Sunday, March 15, 2009

what a week

I do believe that the last time I posted I said I was going to menu plan and get it posted. Yeah, that didn't happen, lol. So I am back this week, it is spring break. I don't have school but we have my step-daughter for the week, along with the fact that my son is home full time and my hubby is here instead of off to work. SO, busy busy. I will try to post more later and fill you all in on my money saving missions this month, which are not going well so far. Until then have a great spring break.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Gosh where did my week go?

Is it Monday already? Where or where did my time go? I definitely need a lesson in time management. Well today is the day that I am supposed to post my menu plan for the week, but honestly I haven't had time to write it out. I have a test tonight in Microbiology that I am not ready for, I have a handyman supposed to come over today to finish up some dry-wall but lord knows where he is. We also have been having a lot of difficulty with our pay lately and I have to make some phone calls to figure this all out and see if I can get it straightened out. Oh yeah on top of all that I have to go to my kids school talk to some of his teachers and put my foot up his butt for all the homework and assignments he is not completing, but lord only knows why he has plenty of time.... why not just do it? I swear I don't understand him! OK that is enough venting for now, I will get my menu up tomorrow I have to get back to work.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Terrible Tuesday

Wow it has been a hectic day. Found out that my son was assigned mandatory study-hall after school but of course he didn't tell me, so I went to the school to bust him and he had come home. Apparently he turned in the missing assignment to the teacher and she let him go. Now I am sure he meant to do this the whole time so he wasn't planning on telling me that he was ever assigned to study-hall, but of course I am still upset about the whole thing. However the biggest problem is why didn't he turn in that assignment on time or even sooner? OK enough of that....

I did get a lot done today but of course there is still plenty to do tomorrow. I have actually made a list and I am going to get it all done by the weekend. That is my goal, although making the list is a big step for me. Also I am keeping track of my spending this month and I am going to see where I need to cutback and when/where do I blow my dough. I am trying to keep grocery shopping to a minimum since our freezer is overflowing. I will keep track of it on here as well.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Menu Plan Monday
Well I have lurked on for a long time, she has a Meal Plan Monday that people post their meal plan for the week. I have written out meal plans in my home and I stick to them as well as the next guy (or girl) but I have finally decided to join the masses, start a blog and post the meal plans and link them to her sites.
Join the fun at meal plan Monday
  • Monday: Tequila Lime Chicken, Sweet Potato Fries, Green Beans
  • Tuesday: My 15 year old chooses and cooks it....
  • Wed: trying a new dish I found online, I will name it after I have made it.
  • Thurs: Teaching teenager to cook for survival (Tuna noodle casserole)
  • Friday: Leftover Buffet
  • Saturday: Whole Roasted Chicken, potatoes, veggies.
  • Sunday: leaving open to clean out fridge/freezer
Have a great week!!